If you are planning to add a downpipe, different turbo, or any other power adding upgrades to you Mazdaspeed3 or Mazdaspeed6, you're going to need more fuel to support that upgrade. The quickest, cheapest, easiest way to do that is with an upgrade to the internal components of cam-driven High Pressure Fuel Pump, or HPFP internals.
Autotech is a premier manufacturer of fuel pump upgrades for the DISI MZR I4 engine because their kit offers the highest quality, solid engineering, and great value. Autotech's HPFP Kit can achieve flow rates ~50% higher than the original pump, essentially removing pump limitations from the equation, even on high-end turbo upgrades. Autotech's HPFP kit continues to be the benchmark that imitators strive to reach.
This is the go-to fuel pump upgrade for most high power Mazdaspeeds, including our own drag car.
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